A postscript on expressiveness and performance

In some way, my original post makes it seem as if normal programmers are like the drug dealer D’Angelo Barksdale eating in a fancy restaurant in “The Wire“—everyone stared, the waiter rubbed D’Angelo’s ignorance of fine-restaurant customs in his face, and D’Angelo’s introspective attitude doesn’t hide a desperate desire to leave. Well, yes (though nothing in a programmer’s life is as bad as anything in a “The Wire” character’s life), but there’s more to it.

I think Clojure already suffers from being a language for hardcore programmers to solve hardcore problems. For example, that hardcore attitude makes things like nice stack traces seem unimportant. More: fishing through stack traces can almost become a perverse right of passage. Do you have what it takes to program in Clojure, punk?

The history of programming, as I’ve lived it, has been a march where expressiveness led the way and performance followed. I came of age when the big debate was whether us new-fangled C programmers and our limited compilers could ever replace the skilled assembly-language programmer. C won the debate. When Java came out, the debate was whether a language with byte codes and garbage collection could be fast enough to be a justifiable choice over C/C++. Java won the debate. Ruby is still being held up as too slow in comparison with Java, but even the pokey MRI runtime is fast enough for a whole lot of apps. Perhaps the emerging consensus is that Twitter-esque success will require migrating from Ruby to JVM infrastructure—and that’s exactly the kind of problem you want to have.

Against that background, it’s notable that Clojure 1.3 is taking a step backward in expressiveness in the service of performance. (By this, I mostly mean that performance—calling through vars, arithmetic operations—is the default and people who are worried about rebinding and bignums have to act specially. So my super-cool introduction-to-Clojure “Let’s take the sum of the first 3000 elements of an infinite sequence of factorials” example will become less impressive because arithmetic overflow is now in the programmer’s face.) That’s worrisome. There’s not much new in 1.3 to tempt the hitherto-reluctant Java or Ruby programmer. And unless I care about performance or am a utility library maintainer, I don’t see very much in 1.3 to tempt me away from 1.2.

Now, 1.3 is not a huge hit to expressiveness, and Clojure already has pretty much all the expressive language constructs that have stood the test of time (except, I suppose, Haskell-style pattern matching). So what else is left for someone of Rich Hickey’s talents to work on but performance? Documentation?

That’s a good point, but I worry about how performance will drive the constructs available to Clojure users. For example, multimethods feel a bit orphaned because of the drive to take advantage of how good the JVM is at type dispatch. There’s a whole parallel structure of genericity that’s getting the attention. And conj is a historical example: it’s hard to explain to someone how these two things both make sense:

user=> (conj [1 2 3] 4)
[1 2 3 4]
user=> (conj (map identity [1 2 3]) 4)
(4 1 2 3)

As with arithmetic overflow, it strikes those not performance-minded (those not hardcore) as odd to have lots of generic operations on sequences except for the case of putting something on the end. “So I have to keep track of what’s a vector? In a language that creates lazy sequences whenever it gets an excuse to?”

Catering to performance increases the cognitive load a language puts on its users. Again, the hardcore programmer will take it in stride. But Lisp and functional languages are different enough that I think Clojure needs more focused attention on the not-hardcore programmers.

Now, the quick retort is that Clojure isn’t my language. It’s a gift from Rich Hickie to the world. Who am I to demand more from him? That’s a good retort. But my counter-retort is that I demand nothing. I only suggest, based on my experience with the adoption of ideas and languages. It’s hard making something. More information (from users like me) is probably better than less.

2 Responses to “A postscript on expressiveness and performance”

  1. abedra Says:

    There are also things that have been made strictly better in 1.3. You are right to focus on the largest change set to Clojure, but don’t forget about some of the other great enhancements. Take for example the new defrecord enhancements

    user=> (defrecord foo [one two])
    user=> (->foo "one" "two")
    #user.foo{:one "one", :two "two"}
    user=> (map->foo {:one "one" :two "two"})
    #user.foo{:one "one", :two "two"}
    user=> (map->foo {:one "one" :two "two" :three "three"})
    #user.foo{:one "one", :two "two", :three "three"}

  2. un.passant Says:

    FWIW (not much) I believe your point of view of those changes depends on where you come from. With a Ruby background, I fully understand that it can be seen as questionable choices. Coming from C++, I am *positively thrilled* that Rich “fixed” those design choices, leaving me no excuses to continue coding in C++/Java.
    To each his own, but while I do sympathize for those who only get the additional complexity burden without needing the efficiency, I *do* praise R. Hickey for not budging !
    (And it must have been hard to displease the current Clojure users like you for the benefits of the hypothetical future users like me !)

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